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Leçon 8 – On se lève ! ⏰

Les verbes pronominaux (reflexives verbs).

Reflexive verbs describe what a person does for him/herself, meaning that it reflects the action of the verb back on the subject (the subject and the object are the same). The structure is always the same for all reflexive verbs, as you can see below.

Les verbes pronominaux

Tu tulaves

Reflexive verbs mainly have to do with parts of the body, clothing, personal circumstance or location.

Some examples:

  • Je me rappelle de mon rêve : I remember my dream
  • Je me brosse les dents : I brush my teeth
  • Il se couche tard le soir : He stays up late at night
  • Nous nous faisons du soucis : We are concerned

Tips: there are some verbs that have one meaning when they are not reflexive and another when they are.

Some examples:
demander – to ask / se demander – to wonder
mettre – to put / se mettre à – to start doing something
passer – to pass / se passer – to happen

Illustration – listen carefully

“Je suis Français mais je me lave tous les jours, avant de me brosser les dents avec de la musique brésilienne.”

“I am French, but I wash every day, before brushing my teeth, with Brazilian music.”

To you!

Les verbes “Partir” et “Mettre”

With these two verbs you have seen the last verbal group we are missing the third group!

Part of them have the following conjugation:

Les verbes “Mettre” et “Partir”

je metspars
tu metspars
il/elle/on metpart

The verb “mettre” (to put), as in English, has a wide variety of meanings and uses. The main ones are:

  • To set / to put:
    • Je mets la table : I set the table
    • Ils mettent de l’eau partout : They put water everywhere
  • To put on:
    • Il met son pantalon noir : He puts on his black pants
    • Je mets mon caleçon : I put on my shorts
  • To position yourself, to place yourself:
    • Nous nous mettons en face de vous : We put ourselves in front of you
    • Je mets le stylo sur la table : I put the pen on the table
  • To start something: (here the verb becomes reflexive) :
    • Je me mets au piano : I start playing the pianoo
    • Tu te mets au foot ? Are you dedicating yourself to soccer?
  • To take time :
    • Ils mettent du temps à venir : They take a long time to arrive
    • ça met environ 3 heures : This takes around 3 hours

Reminder for this lesson’s vocabulary

Se réveillerTo wake up
S’habillerTo dress up
Se laverTo wash yourself
Une dentA tooth
PartirTo leave
MettreTo put
La routine matinaleThe morning routine
Une maisonA house
La chambreA bedroom
Le salonThe living room
Quelque partSomewhere
Une voitureA car
Le matinThe morning
Quelque choseSomething
La télévisionThe television
Une pocheA pocket
Le tempsThe time

Finish the lesson with the quiz

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