Terms of Services

Last Updated: January 26, 2024

Welcome to Ecole 601, an online community for learning languages. Ecole 601 is owned and operated by Lorelingo, a French SAS, 985 186 907 R.C.S. Paris and with its registered address at 78, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Bureau 326 75008 Paris

For us transparency is very important, so our full Terms of Service are set out below, but to make it easier for you here is a short overview of the most important points:

  • The basic version of Ecole 601 can be accessed free of charge.
  • To access the language courses on Ecole 601 you must register for a free account.
  • You have the option to purchase a Premium membership (“Membre 601”). With a Premium membership you have access to additional courses, exercises, games, certificates, etc. This is just an option; you can use Ecole 601 as basic member completely for free. If you purchase a Premium membership, it will renew automatically for the initial time period purchased, but you can cancel it at any time going directly to the payment portal here.
  • There is a 14 days money back guaranteed to all our subscriptions.

This agreement is entered into by and between Ecole 601, and You (hereafter “Student”). Student’s use of Ecole 601’s Internet site (the “Site”) or any of the material or service offerings or other services offered on the Site including any off-line or third party components, data, lists, reports, dashboards, templates or services (collectively, the “Services”) is subject to these Terms of Use (this “Agreement”). If Student does not agree to this Agreement, Student agrees not to use or access the Services or the Site. Student’s registration for, or use of, the Site or the Services shall be deemed to be Student’s acceptance of this Agreement. Ecole 601 may modify this Agreement at any time without notice to Student by posting a revised Agreement on the Site. Student’s continued use of the Site constitutes Student’s binding acceptance of this Agreement, including any modifications that Ecole 601 makes. Student is responsible for regularly reviewing this Agreement.

1. Service Communications

1.1 Student understands and agrees that the Services may include communications such as service announcements and administrative messages from Ecole 601. Student will not be able to opt out of receiving these service announcements and administrative messages while using the Site and Services until Student sends Ecole 601 a written notice requesting the deletion of Student’s account from the site.

2. License Grant; Student’s Content

2.1 Ecole 601 hereby grants Student a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Site and Services for the term for which Student has paid the applicable subscription fees, solely for Student’s own personal use. Student may create one account through which Student can utilize the Site and Services. Student may not share Student’s account or account information with any other individual. Use of an account by more than one individual is strictly prohibited.

2.2 The Site includes a combination of content that Ecole 601 creates, that Ecole 601’s partners create, and that Ecole 601’s users create. Student may use the content on the Site only for Student’s personal use in connection with the Services and/or Student’s licensed use of Ecole 601’s products. Except for the foregoing, Student may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, reverse engineer, publicly display, or in any way exploit any of the software, materials or content on the Site in whole or in part.

2.3 Student warrants that Student owns or has sufficient legal right to the intellectual property rights in any content posted or uploaded to the Site by Student (“Student’s Content”) and that Student’s Content, including any use thereof by Ecole 601 as described herein, does not violate applicable law or the rights of any third party. Student hereby grants Ecole 601, Ecole 601’s affiliates, and Ecole 601’s partners a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, nonexclusive, sublicensable right to use, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, transfer, transmit, distribute, and publish Student’s Content and subsequent versions of Student’s Content for the purposes of (i) displaying Student’s Content on the Site (ii) processing Student’s Content in connection with providing the Services, (iii) distributing Student’s Content, either electronically or via other media, and/or (iv) storing or hosting Student’s Content in a remote database or on the Site. This license will apply to the distribution and the storage of Student’s Content in any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed. For clarification, Student’s Content shall not include any of Student’s personal information.

2.4 Student may be exposed to content that Student finds offensive, indecent, or objectionable or that is inaccurate, and Student bears all risks associated with using that content. Ecole 601 has the right, but not the obligation, to remove any content that may, in Ecole 601’s sole discretion, violate this Agreement or that is otherwise objectionable.

2.5 Ecole 601 shall be entitled to adjust the scope of the Services and the underlying technical infrastructure to reflect the continuing development of the Services and technical advances.

3. Purpose of Site/Linking

3.1 The Site is for general informational purposes only. Before you act on information you’ve found on our website, you should independently confirm any facts that are important to your decision. Ecole 601 is not responsible for, and cannot guarantee the performance of, any products or services provided by any advertisers or others to whose sites we link. A link to another website does not constitute an endorsement of that site (nor of any product, service or other material offered on that site) by Ecole 601 or its Ecole 601s. We welcome links to the homepage of our website. Student is free to establish a hypertext link to the Site so long as the link does not state or imply any affiliation, connection, sponsorship, or approval of your site by Ecole 601. We do not permit framing or inline linking to our website or any portion of it.

4. Technical Support

4.1 Ecole 601 will provide email contact information to Student for the purpose of providing technical support to Student. Ecole 601 does not guarantee any level of technical support for technical issues not within the direct control of Ecole 601. Ecole 601 does not guarantee that the Site or Services will be available at any time.

4.2 While we make every effort to protect our servers and your data against loss and unauthorized access, you acknowledge that the Internet is not a 100% secure environment and thus we cannot guarantee the security of your information as there is always a risk that an unauthorized third party may find a way to circumvent our security systems or that transmission of your information over the Internet may be intercepted. You agree that we shall have no responsibility for any losses or damages that do not arise solely from our intentional misconduct, including but not limited to losses or damages arising from any third party access of your account resulting from theft, misappropriation, or other illegal access of your personal information.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

5.1 Ecole 601 and/or its Ecole 601s owns all rights, title and interests, including all intellectual property rights, in and to the Site and the Services, the software, materials and other related content (excluding Student’s Content), and any derivatives, suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by Student or any other party relating to the Site or the Services. In addition, all content published on the Site, including, but not limited to, reports, presentations, written content, graphics, images, marks, logos, sound or video clips, and Flash or Java animation, are protected by Ecole 601’s copyrights or trademarks or those of Ecole 601’s partners or users.

6. Fees, Payment & Termination

6.1 Student shall choose a subscription level and term as offered by Ecole 601 on the Site’s Subscription and Pricing page. Payment for all subscription-based services are made in advance at the term’s start date. Student shall pay such fees as specified and chosen. Receipt of payment in full per the plan chosen shall be a condition precedent to Ecole 601 providing access to the Site and Services and any license grant herein. Student shall be given access to only the specific portions of the Site and Services and for the chosen term relating to the respective level of services chosen..

6.2 You may cancel any purchase of a Paid Service and claim a refund from Ecole 601 for any reason within the first 14 working days following your initial purchase. However, if you have used the Paid Service prior to exercising your cancellation right then you must pay for the value of the Paid Service provided up to the date of cancellation.

7. Termination

7.1 Ecole 601 may immediately terminate or suspend Student’s use of the Services provided hereunder or terminate Student’s account and this Agreement if Student (i) fails to pay any applicable fees when due, or (ii) breaches or otherwise fails to comply with this Agreement.

7.2 Upon termination by Ecole 601 of this Agreement or any part thereof in accordance with this Agreement as a result of Student’s breach, negligence or default, Ecole 601 will have no obligation to refund to Student any fees paid by Student.

8. Student’s Conduct on the Site and other Restrictions

8.1 If Ecole 601 requests registration information from Student, Student will provide Ecole 601 with true, accurate, current, and complete information. Student will promptly update Student’s registration to keep it accurate, current, and complete. If Ecole 601 issues Student a password, Student may not reveal it to anyone else. Student may not use anyone else’s password. Student is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Student’s account and password. Student agrees to immediately notify Ecole 601 of any unauthorized use of Student’s password or account or any other breach of security. Student also agrees to exit from Student’s accounts at the end of each session. Ecole 601 will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may result if Student fails to comply with these requirements.

8.2 Student will be responsible for all activity occurring under Student’s account and will comply with all applicable local, state, and foreign laws, treaties and regulations in connection with Student’s use of the Services, including without limitation, laws and regulations governing data privacy, international communications and transmission of technical or personal data.

8.3 The technology and the software underlying the Site and the Services are the property of Ecole 601 and/or Ecole 601’s affiliates, suppliers and partners. Student agrees not to copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, distribute, reverse engineer, grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer any right to the technology or software underlying the Site or the Services. Student agrees not to modify the software underlying the Site in any manner or form or to use modified versions of such software, including (without limitation) for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to the Site. Without limiting the foregoing, Student agrees that Student will not use the Site to take any of the following actions:

  1. Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal right of others;
  2. Publish, post, upload, e-mail, distribute, or disseminate (collectively, “Transmit”) any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, misleading, infringing, obscene, indecent, or unlawful content;
  3. Transmit files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage or adversely affect the operation of another person’s computer, Ecole 601’s sites, any software or hardware, or telecommunications equipment;
  4. Advertise or offer to sell any goods or services for any commercial purpose unless Student has Ecole 601’s written consent to do so;
  5. Transmit surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, spam, unsolicited advertising or promotional materials, chain letters or other unsolicited messages;
  6. Download any file that Student knows or reasonably should know cannot be legally obtained in such manner;
  7. Falsify or delete any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or the source of software or other material;
  8. Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying any area within the Site;
  9. Interfere with or disrupt Ecole 601’s sites, servers, or networks;
  10. Probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Site or circumvent any security mechanism used by the Site;
  11. Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, any Ecole 601 representative, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent Student’s affiliation with a person or entity;
  12. Forge headers or manipulate identifiers or other data in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Site or to manipulate Student’s presence on the Site;
  13. Take any action that imposes an unreasonably or disproportionately large load on Ecole 601’s infrastructure;
  14. Engage in any illegal activities;
  15. Collect, store or transmit personal information about individuals or any information that is subject to applicable privacy laws or regulations; or
  16. Develop, support, use or distribute software, devices, scripts, robots or any other means or processes (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons or any other technology) to scrape the Site or otherwise copy content and other data from the Site.

8.4 If Student chooses a username or avatar that, in Ecole 601’s sole discretion, is obscene, indecent, abusive or that might otherwise subject Ecole 601 to public disparagement or scorn, Ecole 601 reserves the right, without prior notice to Student, to automatically change Student’s username or avatar, delete Student’s posts from Ecole 601’s sites, deny Student access to Ecole 601’s sites, or any combination of these options.

8.5 Unauthorized access to the Site is a breach of this Agreement and a violation of the law. Student agrees not to access the Site by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Ecole 601 for use in accessing the Site. Student agrees not to use any automated means, including, without limitation, agents, robots, scripts, or spiders, to access, monitor, or copy any part of the Site, except those automated means that Ecole 601 has approved in advance in writing.

8.6 Student may not access the Services for purposes of monitoring its availability, performance or functionality, or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes.

8.7 Use of the Site is subject to existing laws and legal process. Nothing contained in this Agreement will limit Ecole 601’s right to comply with governmental, court, and law-enforcement requests or requirements relating to Student’s use of the Site, which may include disclosing Student’s Content to the applicable authorities.

9. Indemnification

9.1 Student will defend Ecole 601 from any third party claim, and will pay all damages finally awarded against Ecole 601 in such claim or amounts agreed to in settlement, arising out of:

  1. Student’s use of the Site;
  2. Any use or alleged use of Student’s accounts or Student’s passwords by any person, whether or not authorized by Student, unless the Student’s accounts have been misappropriated by a third party without the fault or knowledge of the Student;
  3. The content, the quality, or the performance of content that Student submits to the Site; or
  4. Student’s violation of this Agreement.

10. Warranty; disclaimers

10.1 the site and the services, its software, content and other materials, are provided on an “as is, as available” basis. Ecole 601 and its affiliates, suppliers and partners make no warranty, representation, guaranty or condition of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including, without limitation, warranties of title or noninfringement, or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the site or any of the content, services, products, software or other materials available through the site.

10.2 without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we make no warranty that the services or materials will meet your requirements, that services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free or that defects in the services or materials will be corrected. We make no warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the services or materials, or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information or services obtained through the use of the services or materials, and are not responsible for the products, services, actions, or failure to act of any third party. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you through your use of the services or from us or our subsidiaries/other affiliated companies shall create any warranty.

11. Limitation of liability

11.1 to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, neither Ecole 601 nor its affiliates, suppliers or partners will be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the services or the site, its software, content or other materials, even if advised of the possibility of such damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use or loss of data or other intangible losses.

11.2 to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Ecole 601 and its affiliates, suppliers and partners will not be liable for any damages that exceed the total amounts paid by student to Ecole 601 for the services.

11.3 some states/jurisdictions do not allow exclusion of implied warranties or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to student. In such states/jurisdictions, Ecole 601’s liability and that of its affiliates, suppliers and partners will be limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

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