French with success.

The platform that makes learning French fun and more human for students and teachers.

Easily learn at your own pace

Accessible courses in a short format that you can easily fit into your busy schedule.

Talk about things you love

Talk to teachers and other students about topics that interest you in French.

Stay motivated and have fun

Earn points and levels as you progress. Let’s make French becomes a game!

Why 601?

It only takes about 600 words to have a pleasant conversation? And for that you don’t need 2 years, by focusing on the essentials we cut that time in half compared to traditional French learning methods.

Most students stop right at the beginning of their learning, we bet you won’t.

.1 Try to guess the rule
.2 See explanation
.3 Practice with exercises
.4 Repeat with smart intervals

The right French path

Choose the formula that suits you.


Many of our courses are free and you can start them with or without a teacher.

Member 601

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