When we talk about language levels in general in companies or for universities, we talk about these A1, A2, B1 levels… which are the norm now.

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is a document published by the Council of Europe in 2001, which defines levels of foreign language proficiency based on competencies in different skill areas. These 6 levels are now the reference in the field of language learning and teaching in European countries and particularly for learning French in France.

We find this format a bit boring and often not very concrete for the student, but we present it below.

BeginnerA1– Can recognize and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purposes.
– You can introduce yourself or someone else.
– You can ask and answer basic questions about home, family, environment, etc.
– Can communicate in a basic way when the other person speaks slowly and clearly, and is ready to repeat or rephrase to aid communication.
Pre-IntermediateA2– Can understand isolated phrases and common expressions related to areas of high personal relevance (e.g. personal or family information, shopping, immediate environment, work).
– Can communicate during easy or habitual tasks that require an exchange of basic and direct information on familiar matters.
– Using simple words, you can describe your environment and communicate immediate needs.
IntermediateB1– Can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters at work, school, leisure activities, etc.
– He can manage in most situations that arise when traveling in a region where the language is spoken.
– Can produce simple, cohesive text on familiar matters or topics of personal interest.
– It can narrate an event, an experience, or a dream; describe a desire or goal; and outline reasons or explanations behind a project or idea.
Upper IntermediateB2– Can understand the main ideas of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including a technical article in his/her field of specialization.
– Can communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency during conversation with a native speaker in a way that is comfortable for everyone.
– Can speak clearly and in detail on various topics; express an opinion on current affairs, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
AdvancedC1– It can comprehend a wide range of long and complex texts, including any subtextual or stylistic nuances.
– You can express yourself freely and fluidly, without obviously searching for words.
– Can use language effectively and fluently in a social, professional or academic context.
– Can speak clearly and orderly on complex subjects, developing a well-structured argument.
SpecializationC2– You can effortlessly understand almost anything you read or hear. Able to coherently summarize events or ideas from oral or written sources.
Capaz de resumir coerentemente eventos ou idéias de fontes orais ou escritas.

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