How to conjugate the verb “être” easily in French

The verb to be is probably one of the ones you will use the most, so remember the present tense!

Before you begin, can you find the verb to be in this short dialog?

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Let’s review the conjugation of the verb être in French.

Le verbe “être”

Tu es
Il / Elle / Onest
Ils / Ellessont

“Être” is used to introduce yourself, talk about your nationality, talk about your location or origin, and also tell about your emotions.

Quelques exemples :
– Je suis triste
– Il est agréable(pleasant)
– Nous sommes très grands
– Elles sont petites

When you use the verb to be, don’t forget to agree with the adjective!

Verbs in French are usually always accompanied by the subject. In other words, we would always speak “Je suis Allemand” and never “suis Allemand”.

Now it’s your turn to speak the verb “être”!

Illustration – listen carefully

Listen to this clip, change the speed if you want

“Je suis un homme sage, mais mon chien est tout le contraire, il court partout. Il est peut-être fou ?”

“I am a wise man, but my dog is the opposite, he runs around. Maybe he is crazy?”

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So start training now, conjugating the verb “être”

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