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French for Beginners

The verbs in the 2nd group: finir, choisir, grandir…

They are few in number compared to the others (first group in -er and third group very irregular). These verbs are, for example, finir (to finish), grandir (to grow/increase), grossir (to grow), agir (to act), choisir (to choose)… verbs we use regularly! Group verbs that end in –ir which form the present participle with –issant. […]

The verbs in the 2nd group: finir, choisir, grandir… Read More »

Mon, ma, ton, votre… learn the possessive determinants in french

One of the most important elements in your learning of French are the possessive determinants that are used very frequently. Possessive determinants are the “my”, “mine”, “ours”… to indicate affiliation or emotional value (my friend, my hero). Let’s see if you can recognize possessive determinants (also called possessive adjectives): Note that “la sienne” and “la

Mon, ma, ton, votre… learn the possessive determinants in french Read More »

How to avoid making mistakes in the masculine and feminine in French.

It’s one of the big challenge for native English speakers, the genders in French! I heard so many times, “why is this one feminine and this other masculine but this rule says this?”. Gender marks in French can have some particular forms that we will see here. Don’t worry, by the end of this article

How to avoid making mistakes in the masculine and feminine in French. Read More »

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